I wanted to install JRE and the browser plugin to make some Java made sites work in my PC. As a habit first I go for the Adept GUI and console will always be the second option. Adept downloaded the required files (all of them) and just after starting the installation Adept got stuck, when I press the 'show details' button there was a license agreement which needs to be accepted by pressing an OK button. Focussing the OK button (which displayed on a text area) was failed, tried pressing tab, enter, F12, etc etc ...
I gave it up @ the moment and, my Adeept GUI mode was not usable anymore. Received the error, "There was an
error committing changes, bla bla".
Executing the below command solved the issue,
sudo apt-get -f install (again the license agreement shown up, but tab, enter did the job in console)